Good people and pleasant places to live certainly make the world a better place, don't they? If you're lucky enough to have great neighbors to share your street or zip code, with, you probably already know how wonderful such connections can be. Getting to know the people nearby benefits everyone through mutual relationships, creating safer places to live, and promoting respectful interactions in every area of our lives.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Saturday, September 10, 2022
A Glance At the Past: Phillips Beach Plaza Hotel
I am the kind of person who loves things from the past - items which once held a special place in the local area - and find them to be far more meaningful than just an ordinary thing which can be bought anywhere. Guess that makes me a nostalgic type of individual, since seeing an old piece of furniture, for example, rehomed into a new location where it will be appreciated and valued as part of history, that feels so much more satisfying than a store-bought purchase.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Happy Labor Day Weekend! Greetings and Images to Celebrate the Holiday
I can hardly believe it.....somehow, magically I supposed, we seem to have FLOWN forward and arrived here, in September. (shocked face emoji!!) 😮 It's a beautiful start to month #9 and a gorgeous weekend here on the east coast. I hope you will be enjoying this holiday and finding peace no matter what is on your schedule.