Tuesday, July 24, 2018

"You Can't Move Forward If You Can't Let Go"

"It's time to move on". These are some of the most poignant, truthful words that we so often say to ourselves - while at the same time it may be one of the most difficult concepts to accept.

We might write these words as a quote, or repeat a similar phrase while comforting or consoling a friend, but for many of us putting the thought into reality remains challenging. How DO you let go of these things which hold such meaning and so many vibrant memories? Sometimes without even planning to form such attachments we find ourselves inexplicably linked to people or places that held a significant role in layers and chapters of our lives - and yet there comes a time when such attachments can weigh so heavily upon our hearts and minds that there IS no choice but to separate from the past.

And yet.....we can remain so burdened and handicapped by what we keep clinging to. The past experiences which hold such meaning for us - fragments of our world which deeply affected the most personal level of our emotions - those can be what we cling to as a buoy almost; an anchor which was there during the roughest seas.

But while such a situation or thing may have been what we once drew strength from.....now, it might no longer offer the same benefits as in the past.

I guess this is where the actions of "letting go" are the choice which finally frees us from a load too heavy to carry anymore - a process of allowing ourselves to become unburdened by what was.

Something which once upon a time served a purpose or filled a need.....well, it may no longer serve us now or even offer any real benefit. I supposed to continue dragging such baggage around each day - to cling to "what was", means we are choosing to carry too much when it's really time to lighten the load instead.

Perhaps it's time to set down the burdens we are feeling crushed by, and instead, allow ourselves to move forward with the rest of life.