Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving | the Annual Collection of Holiday Humor, Sarcasm and Funnies

Celebrating the season with cartoons and hilarious images which we can all relate to! Holidays can be tough and sometimes a little humor helps put it all in perspective, doesn't it? Enjoy!

Well, I hope this put you in a fabulous and festive mood, HA HA. Enjoy your holiday, which of course will be NOTHING like the ones pictured above, because I'm sure your family is far more tactful and understanding than mine. After all, it IS a chance to connect, overlook the little petty stuff and actually interact with those you probably see little of throughout the year. Smile, take a few deep breaths while counting to 10 when necessary and take comfort in the fact that many others are experiencing similarly odd or difficult get togethers. It's Thanksgiving! Wishing you a wonderful week ~

community advocate • marketing consultant • voice for small business
classic car lover • salt life • believer that "together we accomplish more"
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