Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Finding the Perfect Seashell" (Adopting a Special Shelter Pet)

Do you recall every having gone on vacation to the beach, perhaps a small seaside town or a large resort along the coast, when you really wanted to find a perfect seashell to bring home?

Maybe you first look over the offerings found in souvenir stores or a local gift shop, but then realize that their products are for the most part very similar and vary little between each retail location. They appear to be almost identical, have few distinctive qualities and after all, anyone can buy such knick-knacks. You might decide to walk the beach each morning instead, in hopes of a day when the waves will have washed up a treasure trove of exquisite and lovely pieces from the ocean depths, offering you an array of delights so that you can can pick out the very best one.

Perhaps this piece will represent the time you have spent relaxing by the seashore, or maybe it will carry with some special vacation memories or recollections of the days you spent searching for just the right shell, and for that reason you know it will be something you will cherish greatly. On your daily walks by the ocean it's not as if you don't find any gifts washed up by the ocean and left for you to discover, because there are many items that you observe each morning; however they are simply ordinary shapes and average colors which all appear the same - the kind of pieces that anyone might find on basically any beach, to be honest - and so for you, nothing really sets one apart.

And then suddenly, your final day of vacation has arrived, and in the light of the dawn you hurry to take one last stroll by the water's edge, and suddenly, you stumble across the prize you have been seeking. It is not perfect or polished and free of flaws perhaps as are the ones which the gift stores sell, but again, their shells are identical, available for anyone to purchase. THIS object however, that you now hold in your sandy hands to admire; it is different; and you KNEW that once it lay in your path you would recognize the distinct characteristics which make it stand out from all of the rest! Carefully, you wrap it in a beach towel and pack it in the car for the long ride home. There it is unveiled, washed and cleaned, and placed in a visible place for all to see and admire, as you recount the days you searched for one very special gift from the ocean.

That is what rescuing a dog or a cat is like. Anyone can purchase an animal from a store, if they are satisfied with making a selection from the few (and expensive) choices offered, or if they feel acquiring a pet with little effort is best. Those however, who value learning about the qualities or characteristics of an animal who is being given a second chance; who are committed to seeking out a truly unique member of the family; who believe that something better can't just be bought but rather discovered; they learn that waiting to discover a real treasure is far more valuable than what money can buy.

Meeting and interacting with some of the animals that society may have forgotten about, or the souls who for one reason or another have been given up or discarded, is one of the kindness and most loving things we can do. Open your eyes and explore the world of grateful creatures just waiting to be discovered, because together we each do more.