Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Let's Lighten the Mood | Inspiration for These Challenging Times

As you've probably noticed by now, I try to inject light and hope into life during difficult situations. The last few weeks have admittedly been draining and stressful and for that reason we're focusing on positivity today.

To see a larger version of any image just tap to open in a new window and then right-click to save to your device. As with all images I share, if a name or attribution was visible I include it, however unfortunately not everyone adds their info. What is making YOU smile and stay inspired today? Tell me on Twitter!

Tuesday March 24th is the Great American Takeout - a fun idea suggested by Flip This Town. We love the idea of supporting local businesses and are definitely participating!

I thought this was beautiful.....


This wonderful idea comes from Delmarva Veteran Builders, encouraging us to place a light in our windows as a sign of hope. From their website: "Share your house or business lit up! Use the hashtag #LightforHope or tag Delmarva Veteran Builders in your Facebook or Instagram post, videos or photos welcome!" See their website page here.

Share some togetherness (while social distancing, of course), by reaching out to someone today.

Thank you all for keeping America going!

A love note of support to America's small business owners.....

Good suggestion.

Virtual hugs and compassion go a long way during this time.....

Together, we WILL get through this.

I hope some of these brought a bit of cheer and calmness to your day. Share with a friend who could use a little brightness as well! Until next time, be safe, stay kind and reach out to one another. 💗