Thursday, April 9, 2020

Recovering Together | How Will Our Independents and Communities Emerge?

All around us, people are helping one another during this difficult time and working together to put a focus back on their local businesses. Many folks have taken it upon themselves to go the extra mile and organize neighborhood-wide groups, create directories and offer listings of places which remain open.

These efforts are generally geared towards the health of a specific area, serving the community as a whole by encouraging all residents towards a refocus and priority on local establishments. I'm curious and scared and excited all at the same time to watch what unfolds and how the process of rebuilding takes place once quarantine orders are lifted. My thoughts have been literally piling up and tumbling over one another every night until the wee hours of the morning, in regards to what lies ahead, because there are so many possible scenarios and at the same, dire predictions and warnings. See one of my other blog posts here which tackles the subject of how we must seriously adjust and change if we want our mom and pop businesses to stay around - because if that change doesn't occur they are going to be obsolete soon.

In addition to the industries most frequently mentioned and affected by the shutdown, there is another category which I'm so worried about, our independent newspapers, which have already been in crisis mode for several years. Yet despite their own struggles, in Lake Highlands, Texas, an indie paper is still working to help showcase the area businesses, offering listings as well as a message to their readers.

From the Lake Highlands Advocate Magazine: "As a small business ourselves, the Advocate knows that neighborhood small businesses are hurting. We’re helping for the duration of the crisis by building a directory and hosting ads for businesses that need help the most." LHAM website | Facebook page

Hat tip to these folks, as well as to all who have diligently been seeking ways to spotlight their independently-owned businesses, because virtually no one is exempt from the journey which lies ahead. I believe HOW we come together, brainstorm, focus upon and encourage our community, will be huge factors in how we as a country, recover. All the planning in the world won't save a town which doesn't truly support it's people, and thus the big question remains; are we just chattering about localism and supporting our fellow entrepreneurs - or are we really committed to a process of refocusing?

community advocate | marketing consultant | dedicated to small business | fan of
classic cars and hot rods | beach lover | believer that "together we accomplish more"