Friday, November 4, 2022

"Fall Back"- Daylight Saving Time Memes And Chuckles

It's everyone's most un-favorite time of the year again - the season of darkness is upon us and turn back our clocks we must. SIGH. There's some good news out there the future, "they" say this practice will actually be overturned and obliterated once and for all, so no more backwards in fall (ha ha, see what I did there?) 😆

Presently, Hawaii and Arizona are the only two U.S. states that do not observe daylight saving time, however in the past four years, 19 states have passed legislation or resolutions seeking to make Daylight Saving Time a thing of the past. So this could actually be the last time we participate. Good news, right?? 9 Things to Know About Daylight Saving Time

For now though, since I'm the queen of silliness and poking fun at any day of the year, here are some funnies to giggle over this weekend. You can also share the humor from me on Pinterest! 😃

Daylight saving time isn't just annoying - it can also be very expensive to individuals, businesses, and the overall economy. See "Here's How Much Money Daylight Saving Time Costs the United States" for further proof of this sketchy practice. 😕😵

P.S. Don't forget to check the batteries in your smoke detectors! Have a great weekend :)

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