Tuesday, September 10, 2024

You - No One - Needs to Suffer Alone

I'm going off topic a bit, out of my normal scope of posts or conversations, and sharing something more serious and important with you today. September is Suicide Prevention Month, a tragedy that is some way has likely touched most of our lives, and September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. Included below are several images I've collected over the years, added on Facebook in albums titled "Between the Lines"; content that feels essential and important to spotlight, and I will tell you why.

Years ago, at my first "real office job", I had a very volatile and moody individual for a coworker, someone who seemed present in body, but strangely disassociated from the rest of us. Her comments could be harsh and hurtful, her anger and rage completely out of the norm, but then she would come in some days and not say a word, seeming almost terrified to find herself in the company of others. While I remember making an effort to speak with her, eat lunch together a few times, trying to find some type of common ground, most others did not, and she became isolated and considered just "too weird" to interact with. After I left that company, years later I ran into someone and as we chatted about old times, our coworkers name came up. It was believed she had taken her life not too long after that time frame, and I remember feeling the sting of seeing how others acted towards her, and how for the most part, we kept our distance, not really sure how to reach out.

I wish we'd all been a little more compassionate, perhaps taken the time to listen a bit more carefully, maybe taken an extra step to try an be a real friend or suggest help. I imagine most of us feel often feel uncertain and awkward about these situations, unsure of how to proceed, or what to say, but it was then it occurred to me that to our peers, coworkers, people we interact with every day; we might actually be some of the most qualified individuals to notice and observe, be kind, and perhaps open doors to conversation and help. I distinctly remember thinking if a person had no one else, maybe was not surrounded by close family and friends as many of us are, or someone who felt socially awkward and distant, these ordinary interactions might literally be the first line of defense to both see and respond to signs of distress. Maybe we are actually some of the most qualified people to open doors, befriend someone who is struggling, even if we are not professionals, because simple kindness can do amazing things.



I've since learned that kindness, in almost any way, shape or form, can be a lifeline and a beautiful and welcome gift. Even the tiniest actions people have offered me during difficult times have been the greatest, most powerful type of support, and I've become aware that small efforts to stay in touch, reach out when someone may be wrestling with life, or simply sit and quietly listen, may be some of the best ways we can help our fellow human. Small steps open doors; thoughtful gestures can change someone's entire outlook on life; taking the time to be a friend and share a bit of kindness......those are things anyone can do. Thus the reason for these albums titled 'Between the Lines", because I believe a better community, workplace, neighborhood....begins with each of us.

If you are struggling, please realize there is No. Shame. In. Reaching. Out.

You deserve to be heard, valued, cared for, and assisted with whatever you are going through.

You deserve to not suffer alone or in silence.

Thank you for reading.

Thanks for stopping by my blog ~ ðŸ˜Š
community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"