** If You Are Currently Or Have Ever Been, Owned By A Cat, Then You Get It **
The perfect food for cats doesn't really exist....does it? I believe there are humans out there who really do believe they can open a can, place a meal in front of their home's furry ruler, and actually have them consume said food with interest. But that's....umm, not been my experiences. 🙀
Summertime is here! For many of us it's a time for relaxing, taking a break, getting outdoor projects done around the house - or all of the above. However, your small businesses don't go on vacation - and they are still there for you to use and support. :) You might need to stock up on foods for a big cookout, planning a family picnic or heading off for a day at the beach. Whatever you do it's super cool to choose your indie retailers and locally owned shops!
I have been fortunate enough to see and appreciate the "Wall that Heals" as it has visited the Delmarva Peninsula three times in the last twelve years. If you have not yet observed this powerful display and tribute to all who served, died and continue to live with the memories of those years, I hope you have the opportunity to visit the Traveling Wall when it comes to your area. Even if you have been before; even if you have gone and seen the original memorial in Washington, DC - THIS monument is worth your time. Take your children and teach them about our history; volunteer to assist or join in the events surrounding these dates. See the 2018 schedule here.
I generally in life choose to consciously avoid being negative, since it's sort of a tendency of mine to gravitate towards the dark side. However, when things start to bug me a little bit....and then A LITTLE BIT MORE, I find that coping with them through sarcasm or humor seems to be a useful approach. After all, it's hard to be better when you're smiling.....see? Point made.
Crossroads of automation, technology and the past; I’m attempting to merge forward and yet part of me is still hanging back, not ready to admit that saying goodbye to personal interaction is the best thing since sliced bread. As researchers and doctors have pointed out in recent years, it’s entirely possible there are links between the breakdowns which are taking place in our society - and our desire to shut others out. Doesn’t it appear to anyone that the goal of “saving time while making less effort” may have been taken a bit too far? Inside my head, a small voice keeps telling me that we are headed for trouble.