Hello Spring (or as some of us say), "WELCOME TO ALLERGY SEASON"
I generally in life choose to consciously avoid being negative, since it's sort of a tendency of mine to gravitate towards the dark side. However, when things start to bug me a little bit....and then A LITTLE BIT MORE, I find that coping with them through sarcasm or humor seems to be a useful approach. After all, it's hard to be better when you're smiling.....see? Point made.
With that said, please allow me to introduce one of the blog posts which shouldn't really BE a blog post at all, since it's few words surrounded by many memes and cartoons - all mocking the gravity of POLLEN SEASON. Yes... I've built a blog post around allergies and their effects on the human body - because it's easier to cope when you're giggling.
As I mentioned, it's hard to be irritable and grouchy when you're smiling....right? Enjoy the day ~ celebrate the season ~ buy the Benadryl! Have a great day folks.