The perfect food for cats doesn't really exist....does it? I believe there are humans out there who really do believe they can open a can, place a meal in front of their home's furry ruler, and actually have them consume said food with interest. But that's....umm, not been my experiences. 🙀
I was going to post a couple of funny pictures this morning, because it's Wednesday and while a short work week is a lovely thing it's also a little stressful to accomplish the work of five days in four. The picture would have been of a cat, had it stayed around long enough to participate, but sensing I wanted something from it, turned and haughtily stormed away before I could snap a photo. The photo would have been (let me see if I can describe this accurately), of a feline staring at a bowl of cat food, with an immense look of disgust and disbelief clearly spelled out across her face (kind of like the depiction below, only with more disgust and shock).
The bowl, rather than being filled with garbage as it would appear, contained a similar food product to what has been so often consumed before. Previously, aka BEFORE today, because today is a new beginning of an apparent dislike to *that kind of cat food*. After about eight seconds of the staring in horror, said feline looked up at me with a gaze entitled "this is a really lousy joke, right?"
The face is what I would be showing you because I assume some of you are owned by cats and would understand - and maybe even sympathize with me. (if you don't have a cat you could have just conjured up the most sarcastic, moody, sometimes-sweet-but-more-often- annoyed, bossy little being you could think of, multiply that personality by 3 and then you'd have a cat image to work with). Unfortunately since this morning's offering WAS NOT a joke, there was no reasoning with my subject before it pivoted and stalked away. I think you probably get the point though, and some of you may even have been snickering and nodding your head in agreement already, right? Cats CAN be jerks! 😄
I hope you enjoy the images below which highlight the ongoing struggle - something to which I'm sure we can all relate. Have a great day!
Cat lovers....I know YOU know! 😆 Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoyed this collection of images.
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salt life • believer that "together we accomplish more"