Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Value and Respect: Appreciation for Artists

I was a little bummed out yesterday when I found one of my photos taken and used on another site, carefully cropped and edited just enough to remove the name from the image. A government agency page, no less, had blurred out the watermark on one side and chopped the image on the other.

My images are not top-quality and they are far from the professional levels of many of our amazing local artists - and often I just want to post so I don't always take the time to add my name or a watermark because I'm in a hurry to share something with others....and yet.....these visual story lines mean something to me. Perhaps I captured an unusual sight, unique perspective or poignant view - or maybe I've spent a hour editing in fourteen different programs just to bring out the highlight of a snapshot - whatever was posted, it was something I dedicated my time to improving so I could share it with you (image below via https://skinnyartist.com, because it was the best depiction of a theft I could find).

I've had a policy on my Facebook page since it was launched; images of first responders, cars, apparatus or buildings such as firehouses are available at no charge. If I was lucky enough to get a cool shot of your department's antique truck or capture a special moment at a ceremony that you love - just ask and I'll be happy to email it to you. This is for those in law enforcement and firefighters, whose vehicles are one of my favorite things to photograph. If you loved something I produced and were willing to take the time to tag me and say you liked it, I'm happy to share. It seems the least I can do to say "thanks for your service".

Just don't take images that aren't yours and represent them as such. A lot of amazing artists out there do this for a living and when you steal images you are cutting into someone's income.
Thank you for reading. 💖

community • marketing • small business advocate • car lover
salt life • believer that "together we accomplish more"