Friday, October 12, 2018

58 Hours: Finding Peace Right Here

Friday, October 12th 8:39am

My vacation-at-home is starting. All the dogs and cats have been fed and taken care of and I'm camped out on the couch with beautiful, fresh fall air blowing in through the windows. Later on the pollen will resurface I'm sure but for now, coasting on the heels of last night's storm, the breeze feels clean and crisp and I haven't sneezed once.

I am at peace. Still at home, yes, but in my mind I'm checking out of daily life and into a setting of relaxation. I have the idea for creating a sense of separation between ordinary life and being in a place where for just a few days, I will soak up the serenity needed to restore my mind and soul. I'm contemplating life for the next 58 hours without Facebook notifications pinging and shrieking at upper decibel levels from the other half's phone, the tv being shut off most of the time and my Droid ringer muted.

I might go out to explore a local attraction tomorrow, perhaps indulge in a rare takeout delivery for dinner, and maybe stop by the adorable tiny bakery down the street for a cheesecake cupcake for dessert. I consider writing some of the halfway-thought-out blog posts which are saved in numerous documents on my laptop, thinking that in the quietness of this weekend I just may find the words needed to complete them. Far from a jail sentence of "work" they are more projects which I've been hoping to finish by now, but weighed down by many obligations and work demands I seem to always come up empty on time and creativity. A state of peacefulness is often the key to finding my words and to be able to finally pour out some ideas and observations would be a big relief.

Maybe this couple of days will do the trick as I slow down the pace of regular life and take a step back from normal demands. Vacation isn't a destination really, I think it's more about the ability to separate ourselves from daily schedules and chaos. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.

~ peace ~

community advocate | marketing consultant | dedicated to small business | fan of 
classic cars & hot rods | beach lover | believer that "together we accomplish more"