Thursday, October 25, 2018

"Step Away From The Screen" (Less Time Online)

"Observations from the Summer"

I am sitting here at a park writing some notes about an upcoming event I've been working on, finding peace in my view of a small lake and serene forest. A half hour later I'm so engrossed in my thoughts that the slamming of a car door close by makes me jump unexpectedly and look up. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to what I'm seeing, since it's not exactly "normal" by today's standards, and then I realize I'm delighted to just sit and observe.

What's going on? Several parking spaces away there are people of varying ages, several adults and multiple children, piling out of a minivan and gathering around the rear of the vehicle. They begin to pull out fishing poles, blankets, coolers and toys which are distributed to those eagerly waiting and hopping around. They appear to be tech-less and free, devoid of the usual gadgets and downward gazes so often seen today, if you can imagine that......I KNOW.

They unload and scamper off excitedly to the water's edge where they divide into two groups, unpack their gear and prepare to fish. There is a lot of chatter and shrieking, a few playing tag and others attempting to bait hooks, but what I haven’t see is anyone pull out a cell phone, tablet or electronic device. They are just simply....spending time together.

Life isn't all about technology. Don’t forget to COMMUNICATE with each other; engage in conversation; go out to places where you will run into neighbors and friends. We are not robots and yet it seems that today's goals are to focus on screens continually; at work, school, playtime and at meals. Parents - IT IS OK to take the cell phones and gadgets away from the kids once in a while and have dinners with no electronic devices around.

Rules to find perspective:

  • Put down the phone.
  • Have a gadget- free time zone every day.
  • TALK to your kids.
  • LISTEN TO each other.
  • Learn more about those you share life with.
  • Stare at the screen less.

community advocate | marketing consultant | dedicated to small business | fan of 
classic cars & hot rods | beach lover | believer that "together we accomplish more"