Friday, December 11, 2020

86th Annual Train Garden In Cambridge, Maryland

The Rescue Fire Company Train Garden is located in Dorchester County, artfully set up in the old Cambridge firehouse. It's been running for over eight decades and is an event guaranteed to get anyone in the holiday spirit!

"Beginning in 1934, members of Rescue Fire Company began operating a holiday train display for the community, carrying on a tradition that began in the Baltimore area. Though the train garden tradition remains strong in the Baltimore area, our peers from the 1930s and 1940s are gone. The RFC Train Garden is the longest continually operating fire department train display in the United States.

Today, the Rescue Fire Company Train Garden remains in the same home it has always occupied, the "Old Firehouse" at 307 Gay St., the gateway to Downtown Cambridge. We take pride in bringing the people of Cambridge, Dorchester County, and the Midshore together each Christmas. Whether you're new to the area, or an old friend of the Train Garden, come see us this December!" Source: Rescue Fire Company Train Garden website

Have you been in past years? You may have seen our posts because we make the 1-1/2 hour trek over to Cambridge each December to visit this exceptional display. For 2020, the dates are specific days from December 5th through the 31st. See the event page on Facebook for details and info here.

"The RFC Train Garden has been a Cambridge Christmas Tradition for nearly nine decades! Each December, we operate daily, providing new memories and rekindling old ones for the people of Cambridge, and for visitors from around the globe. This year's theme, The City of Light, is designed to brighten an otherwise dreary 2020. Though our display is smaller this year, we're proud to be able to open and provide joy during our 2020 Christmas Season.

The Train Garden features miniature towns, cities, farms, forests, factories and highways, all decked out in holiday revelry, and crisscrossed by model trains. The display portrays both the familiar and the fanciful, with fun, humorous vignettes sprinkled into the display to add to the memories." Shared via the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce. See the article here.

RFC ready to offer 86th Annual Train Garden | 12/1/20 Dorchester Banner

Since 1934, members of Rescue Fire Company have been operating a holiday train display for the community, carrying on a tradition that began in the Baltimore area. Though the train garden tradition remains strong on the western shore, peers from the 1930s and 1940s are gone. The RFC Train Garden is the longest continually operating fire department train display in the United States. Read the news article here.

I certainly hope you make the time to visit this wonderful attraction on Delmarva during December. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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