Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Stress Kills; Retrain Your Brain

One of the best ways to fight stress is to retrain our brains not to automatically react in negative ways. We so often fall into a mindset of acting a certain way simply because of triggers or specific actions of others, but good news; we don't have to react - we CAN change that response!


Okay, I get're rolling your eyes right now and thinking "YEAH, RIGHT 🙄 - if it was that easy to combat stress, I'd have done it by now." 😆 The thing is, we sometimes fail to realize exactly what our triggers are, who we react to poorly, or which scenarios invoke a particular feeling of irritation or annoyance. Studies have shown and proved there IS a real value in learning how to flip your perception, because then YOU are reinforcing a new and better behavior pattern.

Why not give it a try during the last few days of April, which h happens to be Stress Awareness Month? You just might be surprised at how tiny changes can improve your entire outlook on life - and your health. 🙂