Friday, June 30, 2023

Reflections on June

Last day of the month.....oh, June. You have been a tough one - a heartbreaking one - and although I thought I'd have few good things to say about chapter was an amazing month too. Today I'm feeling grateful and broken and emotional all at the same time, thankful to have made it through without falling apart.

On June 1st, we lost our 13th adopted basset hound, Watson. Loss and letting go is, unfortunately, a devastating part of rescue life as our four-legged family members age, but it never becomes any easier. Especially this time.

I got a gift of an entire Saturday night off; the chance to find my feet and go out dancing, something I hadn't done in forever. I'd forgotten how much music and dance brings my soul to life, and spent the whole evening letting the tunes and vibes heal my mind. 
Got a new client for work. Walked a lot of shelter dogs where I volunteer; had so many chances to delight in their special little personalities and infectious happiness at getting out  and having a human spend time with them. Did a late night dash to the hospital, worried about someone who's sick but not responsible; slept on a couch after a late night emergency to be sure they were okay, because I'm that kind of person who will drop things for my friends. Loved deeply, because when you find the stuff that matters in life, that's what you do. Was reminded that so many things are sadly more powerful than love and kindness; alcohol, addiction, narcissistic behavior. Learned that pride and bitterness are often easier to choose than being humble or apologies, because some people would rather die than admit they were wrong. Took a lot of photos, marveled in the arrival of summer and the exquisite beauty of nature all around us. Sat outside a lot of nights just observing the peace and quiet while listening to the frogs in the marsh. Found out some people I know are really special human beings.

June.... I said you were a difficult month, but thinking it over, you were an incredible month. Thank you God, for watching over me these last 30 days.


community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"