Sunday, July 28, 2024

I'm sorry, July.....I failed to accomplish all those things I'd promised

Oh, July.....I had Such. Big. Hopes. for you.

So many plans and things to do....and somehow the sand in the hourglass ran out and here I am, on the 28th day of month seven. It wasn't supposed to be like this....I was going to write, catch up on things and articles and practice daily steps for growth.....but I let things that happened swirl around me and derail those goals, and when there's only a little bit of sand left to trickle through the hourglass, a sense of desperation or wave of disappointment is often the most bleak sense one can have.

(photo is from Assateague Island one evening, as the sun was dropping down over the of the best pictures from this month, because in a month normally filled with events and activities, I grieved instead).

I let personal things from June spill into another month; instead of being adult about releasing hurts and misunderstandings, I worried over them and made them part of my days. Looking back, I wish I had not wasted so much time feeling down or sad, but there are rare and beautiful things in life that come our way, and when those precious and fleeting experiences and moments feels as if the world is falling down. I wish I'd done better at putting aside my disappointment and sense of loss, but to have similar occurrences take place during back to back summer did indeed, derail my personal progress.

July is almost over, and all I can do now is learn from mistakes made - and try to make peace with journeys that came to an end. I know it's impossible to double up on a new month and assign as twice as much productivity and accomplishment to the next chapter of 31 days, but I guess I'll see if I can make myself better in the process.

#July28th #GoodbyeJuly #almostaugust
#failed #learnedlessons #resolvetobebetter

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community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"