Saturday, July 6, 2024

Ideas for National Play Outside Day (1st Saturday each month)

Today is "Play Outdoors Day" celebrated the first Saturday of each month (we think it should be EVERY day 😍😃). How are you and your family going to enjoy the outside world? 😊


Here are some ideas for celebrating Saturday is National Play Outside Day ~

Ideas for kids:

•Play catch or other sports
•Go on a bike ride
•Read outside
•Have a picnic
•Create a chalk obstacle course
•Water play
•Take a hike
•Organize a get together at a park with your friends
•Bring your toys outside
•Explore new parts of your neighborhood
•Use your imagination to come up with fun things to do

Ideas for Adults:

•Play what your kids want to play, enjoy your grandkids’ curiosity and imagination
•Plan fun outdoor activities with other families
•Pretend you are still a kid and have fun
•Go to a lake or swimming pool
•Pick an activity from the list above or anything else that you enjoy and just do it

Ideas courtesy of Saturday is National Play Outside Day @ Shreveport Bossier Journal

I love this graphic from Big Life Journal, illustrating the value of outside playtime and activities! Makes me want to run out of the house and participate....well, after a shower, and some makeup, maybe. Don't want to scare the neighbors on a weekend. 😂 But seriously, with our world turning so much more to tech and online stuff, we really NEED more fun outdoors time - all of us, not just the kiddies!

What are your suggestions for outdoor playtime? I love the ideas listed above, and think I'd add picking your own fruit at a nearby farm, hiking the trails at a local park, or volunteering at the animal shelter - yep, we do it lots of days and it is soooo rewarding to give the animals love and attention. Here's a picture of a few friends I walk at our nearby humane society! 😊 Now kids are not normally allowed to handle animals alone, however at this facility, they can have a second leash attached so they get to "walk a dog" along with their parents.

Whatever you do today, I hope you enjoy cleaning out your mind and unplugging from the rest of the world. Make it YOUR TIME to celebrate nature, be screen free, connect with one another, or simply soak up the peace of the outdoor world without interruption. Have a great day!

Thanks for stopping by my blog ~ 😊

community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"