But what we don't expect is that it will be during the worst times in life, during those moments when things are really bleak and tough and then POOF......all of a sudden you look around and "those people" who you thought would be there.....are just, gone. And of course, that's when you least expected to find out the truth - that someone isn't who you thought....
Or maybe it's just that you happen to discover someone doesn't really care about you as much as YOU cared about them (ugh). I HATE finding out I was wrong - that I believed we had something awesome and forever and meaningful - only to learn that someone else really didn't value friendship that much.

It can be a very surreal experience to learn that not everyone feels the same way about loyalty. Sometimes you learn that when life or circumstances get difficult - or if things just don't go the way someone else wants it to - that they are okay walking away.