Friday, January 18, 2019

Learn To Let Things Go

I can be a bit moody, often a "glass mostly empty" kind of person, perhaps considered to look more on the darker side of things. The tone of my social media posts and shares and links is reflective of my feelings and yet I don't seek out others to spew my views onto. There are however, some folks who are extremely passionate about their beliefs and political feelings, which is totally fine, but then there's the rest. Never before has it been possible to take advantage of so many platforms and forums and sites on which to speak out on the things we care deeply about - and that's not all a good thing.

The attacks have to go. Accusations that someone is connected to a communist country....words hurled through cyberspace to tear others down? A sudden need to sift through the comments on my Facebook wall for comments to delete?? You have your opinion and I respect that even if we don't see eye to eye and are on very different sides of the fence (or the WALL, sigh). What isn't tolerable is charging at others like an enraged bull, spewing insults to convert or persuade; honestly, when in the history of people yelling at one another, has such behavior actually served to change minds? It hasn't, and deep down you know there's something driving your response like a runaway force which overtakes fingers on a keyboard, and if you actually stopped and thought about it for a minute I bet you'd be embarrassed as hell. Like hairline cracks, spreading out across a thin almost transparent, sheet of glass, destruction can be seen in progress and yet sometimes we still keep on going.....


It's anyone's right to believe in what matters

I don't want you to give up your passion.

No one is censoring what you've decided to feel or think or embrace.

But when we lose control of the ability to say "okay, TIME TO STOP"....when we are get so caught up in eagerness to be heard that our filters fade and weaken and no longer serve to tell us when a line is being crossed.....that's when respect for one another begins to die.

We are better than this.

community advocate | marketing consultant | dedicated to small business | fan of
classic cars & hot rods | beach lover | believer that "together we accomplish more"