Saturday, March 19, 2022

Be My Neighbor Day: Mr. Roger's Birthday

Sunday, March 20th honors the life of Mr. Fred Rogers on his birthday with “Be My Neighbor Day".

The premise of this observation is might be something we could all learn from. 🙂 It's about encouraging people of all ages and walks of life to notice needs and participate in helping out neighbors and others. While at one time that was probably a normal way of life for most of us, I think we've kind of got away from thinking of others (guilty!)

Maybe today is presenting us an opportunity and reminder to do something positive - extend a hand of kindness and perhaps even chat with our friends about meaningful ideas to improve the place we call home. (As I'm writing this I'm thinking of a new neighbor who lives alone; moved in a year ago and I still haven't run into or chatted with them. Maybe this is a great time to do just that.)

What can you think of? Do you feel as if your family would benefit from starting a new monthly effort to make a positive impact? Might you be willing to share this idea with friends or neighbors? Little tiny bits of good and kindness - however small they might seem - could lead to bright spots in the lives of people all around us, and uplift our hearts as well! Let me know what you are thinking about on my Facebook page!

community advocate • marketing consultant • voice for small business
classic car lover • salt life • believer that "together we accomplish more"