Monday, August 28, 2023

Dear Monday......What Happened!? (Monday Humor)

Today didn't go as planned, but at 10:02pm, I'm trying to make peace with that. Coming off a busy Sunday left me without some of the prep work I do for the week ahead - something i *could have forseen* (and planned better), but somehow didn't. I thought all day about what I wanted to post on my social channels, add to my business pages or Tweet, but simply either couldn't get a free minute, peace and quiet to be able to concentrate, or an internet connection (if I can't change it, laugh about it, right?) 😆 Ugh. I wish making fun of a situation really did work. 😕

As much as I try to let things go and not obsess over stupid bothers me to not stick to the program I'd outlined in my head and notebook. Kind of makes me feel like I failed myself, have fallen off track, couldn't keep it together..... 😐 Tomorrow is going to be double-booked and triple-busy. 🫣 Do you have days like this, when everything unravels and runs late and it feels as if nothing worked out right? So daunting to start off the week, but it just means I need to focus forward more effectively and knock it all out of the park in the next four days. ✌️👊

I hope your Monday went better than mine! Tuesday is a new day and a fresh start, right? Let's see what amazing things we can achieve tomorrow! 🙂

Thanks for stopping by my blog! 😀

community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"