Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Love We Find, and the People We Lose

93 days later.

How two people can connect and bond and laugh together so well....almost like they've known each other for a lifetime....and then fall beyond me.

People with whom you share beautiful things in common; maybe a love of nature, or the outdoors, or animals...interests which inspired a thousand conversations, talks that uplift and comfort during dark times, reassurance that we are not alone or isolated. People that you fight fiercely with, because you care enough to not let go, or misunderstand, or give up.... the ones who help each of you become a better person.

I never believed in friendships so poignant I could almost hear and feel someone else's moods or thoughts, but after the last few years, now I understand. It isn't about who the other person is, or was; it is about loving a fellow human so deeply that it feels you've run across a very special bond, or a twin, or maybe you just discoverd a piece of your soul you didn't know was missing.

Those are the best kind of friendships, and I'm blessed to have found my people. In a cold and cruel world where so many of us are focused inward, on careers and jobs and day to day existence, we often don't find such rare and exquisite connections anymore. When we're young such friends are everywhere, in and out of our lives constantly, but that's when we're clueless and without as much judgement as we have when we become adults; suddenly the naive and open interactions cease, we get guarded, hurt, and withdrawn, and we stop being open to new things and experiences. It's not something we plan, it's just the unfolding of life and learning, but falling into random friendships and acquaintances simply doesn't occur as much anymore, and then if and when it does, the joy of finding someone is so much more special.

I'm lucky. I've got some incredible people I admire and cherish deeply. But when such a relationship blooms and then grows and thrives, only to shatter and fall to pieces, the sadness of such events is so much more painful.

It's been 93 days since I spoke to a friend. This morning I just sat quietly with one of our newly rescued puppies, thinking, remembering, reflecting. Some people enter your life to change things; others are merely lessons in giving or losing, learning experiences about yourself and the love you have to give.

Tell your friends today that you love them. Say thanks for being in my world; let them know you are grateful for their existence, and for the joy they brought into your life. Cherish your people.


p.s. I will always be grateful for the love I found in you. ❤️ 

Soundtrack to a rainy Thursday morning (September 28th):