I thought you were the very best, prettiest, smartest, funniest friend I'd ever had....and then one day someone hurt you, badly. They said hateful things, unleashed a river of anger and bitterness at you, made themselves feel better by tearing you down. I felt my heart break for you when i found out, because it should never have happened this way. Normal people don't go around tearing others down; they don't attack and lash out and hurt people just because they are mean and miserable......i hoped you'd see that, my dear, sweet friend....and it never occurred to me you'd turn on me instead of the person who ripped you apart. I guess I became collateral damage, or revenge, or just someone to hurt, because i was there.....and you went and did all the things your enemy said you would; put up walls, tore down our friendship, threw us away like we'd never existed. This precious, beautiful person in my life who i felt such a sense of friendship and love for, suddenly hated me, despised our closeness.....and ran like hell.
You should never have plunged into the darkness over one person's attempt to tear you down....but I never thought I'd be next on your list. I miss you, forever, once-in-a-lifetime kind of friend. I miss us.