Friday, August 16, 2024

Planting Seeds for the Future (Growth Mindset)

Good morning! It is Friday, August 16th, and it's been quite a month. What seeds of growth have you planted this week? I found this adorable poster on Pinterest and it made me think of evolution and our constant process of self-improvement, and achievement.

I've been trying to shift my thinking lately; focusing on better ways of working and a new process connecting the steps to solve tasks I'm faced with. Most recently, searching for a solution to a common marketing problem, I've managed to organize thoughts, discussion points, and educational tips much better, so that brought me a sense of achievement. (In my world, there is nothing worse than having sheets of notes and a jumble of discussion points I'm trying to explain to a client, all the while feeling as if just can't get the explanation right!)

So often in life, I feel that I KNOW what needs to be done, but somehow miss the ability to connect the dots. Gathering all the details and tackling a big project, for me, can be a daunting task, one which used to consistently derail my progress and erode my confidence, so achieving a more streamlined and effective way of working is HUGE. I guess that's what having a "growth mindset" is all about; setting ourselves up to be the best we can be, and for me, this was a big deal. I hope the week brought you good things as well!😊 Wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

Thanks for stopping by my blog ~ ðŸ˜Š
community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"