I'm not sure how one person was ever able to light up a room with such joy and laughter, but I know I'm better for having witnessed it. There should have been more time and too many things were left unsaid; the fault is mine for not having taken the chances to do so. But what do you say when a life is preparing to depart and as a friend says "I'm ready to go"? And yet I wish I'd said more....
Fly high, dear friend. I'm hurting over this loss tonight as I just posted your obituary and schedule of events for the coming weekend. We'll all be there but I'm not going to sugarcoat it - it's going to be really difficult to keep our composure. You took a big piece of our hearts when you left and that's going to be even more painfully obvious standing there to honor you on Sunday.

These are some pictures from Sunday when we visited the funeral home to pay our respects. It was very moving to see so many people come to honor Marlene and to to offer support to her husband.

"Life on Delmarva" • #delmarvausa