Friday, May 22, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend | Honor, Remember, Respect

Happy Friday, friends! Can you believe, after all which has happened this year, that we have arrived at the end of May?? I wish you a safe weekend as we together pause and take the time to honor our fallen. Let us never forget to remember the reason for Memorial Day.

I'm finding myself - as probably many of us are - in a strange place this May, kind of bothered by all of the observances and services being cancelled for the weekend. Other than inclement weather, I don't think I can recall any time that has happened, but regardless of the absence of normal gatherings, we will remember.

Did you know that Memorial Day was once called "Decoration Day"? After the Civil War ended an organization of Union veterans known as "the Grand Army of the Republic" established the day for our nation to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers.

"Taps Across America" | This is an incredible opportunity for people across the country to participate in honoring our fallen heroes from home. See details about the event set for Monday, May 25th at 3:00 at How to participate in Steve Hartman's "Taps Across America" or check out the video on YouTube here. #TapsAcrossAmerica

Honor, respect, and know the difference.

Memorial Day service goes virtual ~ I think this is a pretty innovative idea one town in Florida is doing. See Virtual Memorial Day Ceremony in Boca Raton, Florida.

I'm including links to a blog post and album from a couple of years ago, as I visited a church cemetery on Memorial Weekend. Deal Island, Maryland: These are not memorials in the traditional sense - they are not elaborate or even plain "monuments" - and yet each of them does in fact, mark where a hero lies.

• A Forgotten Veterans Cemetery on Maryland's Eastern Shore blog post
John Wesley Cemetery | Deal Island, MD Facebook Album

Wherever we find ourselves this Monday, let us remember the price of freedom. Have a safe weekend, everyone!

community advocate • marketing consultant • voice for small business
classic car lover • salt life • believer that "together we accomplish more"