Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A dead end road to nowhere....Anger Solves NOTHING

Rage. Bitterness. Anger. These are the ingredients which destroy people; lives, relationships, and trust. Have you ever noticed how some folks would rather stay angry and full of blame, instead of working to talk it out? Haven't we all learned to accept that people aren't perfect? I know I can be quick to snap, or say something rude when mad, but I try really, REALLY hard to stay polite. And I'm 100% okay with admitting when I screw up, because we ALL need to recognize we have flaws.

If you can't forgive, you can't heal.

If you can't be humble enough to reach out or make a phone call, how will you ever know what could be?

How can you move forward and find peace, if all you do is slam the door closed every time life gets a little bumpy?

If you can't admit you may have been partly wrong, got carried away, or simply been human (and imperfect), you remain in a state of smoldering blame which will eat you alive. Why? What is so important about being right?

Living in a state of bitterness is a hard choice; because it only works when an individual is okay with cutting others out of their world. It's a lonely decision - fueled by pride - which serves only to isolate and create barriers. I can't think of a more sad and lonely way to exist, and yet, when you're the one wanting to mend fences, the realization that some folks can't meet you halfway, is a tough pill to swallow.

Don't let "being right" cut off the good interactions, wall off friendships, and leave you all alone in your rage. Reach out; send a text; make a move to indicate an open heart and willingness to talk. You have NOTHING to lose, and everything to gain.

Wait it out; talk it over. You might be surprised at how much easier it is to understand and solve problems than be a slave to anger and bitterness.

Watch who you hang around with, because some will ruin your life if you let them - characters like Anger and Bitterness. Once you let them into your life....well, they kind of take over and change your perception about things.....they hate Kindness and Love, and will do their best to destroy peace by making you think being alone is better. But at the end of the day, Bitterness and Anger won't lift you up when you're down; they can't be real, genuine and caring; won't stick around when the world seems to be a dark place.

community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"