Friday, July 28, 2023

A Shelter Dog's Afternoon Out: "Lucky"

About my afternoon with Lucky......I volunteer at a local shelter two days a week, usually walking dogs. With the excessive heat this week however, I decided to take my last one of the day out for an adventure instead. In just a couple of hours, my perception of him changed so much; in the shelter he's very energetic and boisterous when you walk by, which might almost make you think he's a wild man (I thought that the first few times I saw him!), but once he gets out he's quite a gentleman.

I only had about 2-1/2 hours to go somewhere, and since it was 96° I wanted to find a place towards the water where it would be a little cooler. We decided on Assateague and headed to the van to check out the airline-style crate we have in there. Lucky hopped right up into the van but hesitated a bit at the crate; I let him sniff and examine it, opened and closed the door while praising him and offering treats, and after a little reassurance he went in happily, which told me he is open to learning. He's a great rider! Laid right down and chilled out in the AC as we listened to a Tina Turner soundtrack, I explained to him how she was the Queen of Rock & Roll and he seemed to agree.

We drove to Assateague and parked at the boat launch area just before the bridge and actual entrance to the park. I like that section because it has nice grassy areas to walk, alone with the fishing piers which go out into the bay. Lucky seemed thrilled with the breeze and salt air, as you can see he stood on the dock soaking up the smells and watching the water. I have a feeling he might have been around boats or docks before because he was curious but very calm and peaceful. We saw about six or seven dogs while walking around, and kids, and he seemed interested in everything but not overwhelmed or hyper at all.

Our next stop was the ice cream stand on 611 for more water and a pup cup of plain vanilla ice cream. Lucky was so excited and stood up on his hind legs to see inside the window where the humans were. His tail never stopped wagging, and he adored his pup cup and gobbled it right up. It was so heartwarming to see a dog who spends all day, every day, in a 4' by 8' pen, acting like a normal and happy animal. He wasn't the wild dog begging for attention and another walk as he normally is most days.....he was a normal and cheerful companion. 💕

We headed back, and as we arrived just before closing time, Lucky was thrilled to see the staff and volunteers who spend their days caring for so many wonderful - and yet sadly, often discarded - creatures. He ran back into his pen, because that's "home" for now, and all I can hope is that he slept well from his afternoon of normal, joyful, experiences. Maybe he IS just a normal, ordinary dog, one who hasn't found his final, forever home yet. I hope he does, because this boy - like so many others in the shelter - deserve more than what their life is now. ❤️

See Lucky's bio and information on the Humane Society of Wicomico County here!

community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"