Friday, July 21, 2023

Chase Your Dream

This quote floated across my feed earlier today, and it just struck a chord in my heart....maybe it's because I remember being unhappy in several dead-end, but necessary jobs....or because I could never put into words or actual plans the things I wanted. Or maybe it was because I've been lucky enough to have finally found the beauty and joy of having an incredible opportunity to be where you love, in a place that completes you and makes each day shine brightly.....and it is a truly amazing experience.

But life isn't always like that. It is not fairytales, dream careers, or magic wishes, and yet this simple Tweet sums up the need to not settle for less than you deserve.

If you really love something, chase that dream. Staying in a space you don't fit into is not always the answer, because you'll forever be silencing that voice inside of you which says "but I'm worth so much more than this."


Thanks for stopping by my blog! 😀

community first • marketing consultant • advocate for small business  lover
of classic cars • beach girl • believer that "together we accomplish more"