Fenwick Motel

A look way back at cottages and beach.....

the Sands Motel and Apartments

Treasure Beach campground on Route 54

Boats at Treasure Beach....1970's perhaps?

Shore-Lea Real Estate (the corner where the Fenwick Bike Shop is now)

So few buildings....

Greetings and vintage cars

the beach with visitors and a flag

the Seaside Motel, 1956

the Ric-Mar Motel and Apartments

Matchbook from the Ric-Mar

Greetings from FI

Cat's Meow of the FI sign (remember them?)

I found these two items from WWII fascinating!

Tingle's Motel (before it became the Sands)

The Lighthouse Diner

Fenwick Island and Ocean City, MD

Ocean waves....

Welcome to Fenwick Island, Founded 1677

Sea Shell City, formerly Ruth's Shell Shop

Fenwick Light

Lighthouse Prayer

an old black & white postcard